Health & Wellness

The PTA is excited to continue with the Health and Wellness Program this year. The 3 main focuses are:


Healthy Eating and Nutrition

Let's Move – Physical Activity


What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is noticing your thoughts, feelings and what is happening right now. Being connected with you.

Here are a few examples of mindfulness activities you can do at home with your child:

  1. Each person grabs a stuffed animal, and then lies down on their back with their buddy on their belly. They focus their attention on the rise and fall of the stuffed animal as they breathe in and out.

  2. Figure 8 breathing

  3. Box breathing

Healthy Eating & Nutrition

Our CSES Taste It program continues this year, and students will have the chance to taste a variety of fruits and vegetables through out the year. We try to focus on local produce as we are able. Last year the children really enjoyed trying bell peppers, cabbages, apples, lettuces and strawberries.

Volunteer for our Taste-It Program

Physical Activity

The goal is 60 minutes of physical activity a day. The students usually get 40 minutes of activity time per day. Our focus for Physical Activity will be seen during our Wellness Night, Fun Run, Dance Party and Adventure day this year.

Here are some fun activities you can do at home:


Reflections Art Program